Tuesday, May 28, 2013

About my work

This year my work is going to be still life and I am hoping it goes well. My concept is to show my interpretation of my childhood, I choose this because I thought it would be neat to bring all my things I had when I was little and make art out of them. Some of the items I am wanting to use this year it my vintage camera that my grandad gave to me a while ago, A Teddy Bear that I have had for as long as I can remember, some other photos that I had of my family for example my father, and I'm going to use some fabric because I love fashion.



  1. Great ideas, I didn't know about the link to fashion, so that is something we can work on further. Well done Brooke. Good start on your blog:)

  2. Hi Brooke, I love your ideas so far, cant wait to see them progress! Mrs Beer

    1. Thanks :) I cant wait intill I have finished, its going to look amazing..
